Inclusion is about creating an optimal workplace environment and culture where everyone can do their best work. Micro-inequities and aggressions damage relationships, trust, a sense of belonging, and employee engagement. Attend this workshop to learn more about how people can deal effectively with these situations. Participants will also discuss how to proactively contribute to a more inclusive workplace environment by committing micro-affirmations – positive, affirming behaviors and language to lift up others.
Missouri: 1.2 hours bias or ethics credit
California: 1.0 hour recognition and elimination of bias or ethics
Illinois: 1.0 hour professional responsibility/diversity and
inclusion credit
Texas: 1.0 hour ethics credit (pending)
Kathleen Nalty, Kathleen Nalty Consulting
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Begins at 11:00 AM Central Time
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.