Doug DePeppe of the firm eosedge Legal, a Trust Partner of IR Global, was recently interviewed in this podcast and described the central role cyberlaw counsel plays in breach coaching after a cyberattack. His narrative during the video runs through the initial advantages – and the best practice – of utilizing counsel for the advantages of legal privilege, so that discovery of damaging evidence might be enveloped inside a "cone of silence". Next, he articulates how a breach coach directs the investigation in ways that focus on the potential theft of personally identifiable information (PII). He explains that determining PII loss is the central question for determining whether the legal definition of "data breach" has been triggered from the attack.
Doug DePeppe also introduces "reasonable security", and other best practices and ways that a business may have duties regarding data protection. Being prepared in advance is his main point, such as having an incident response plan and rehearsing procedures prior to facing a cyberattack.
eosedge Legal helps clients be prepared. One advantage of the firm is its membership in the CyberJuris Network, a niche group of cyberlaw attorneys. Doug's appearance on the Cyber Pro Podcast was facilitated by this network and its partnership with OnCall Cyber, a cyber crisis team subscription service. Doug helps clients with preparing an incident response plan in a collaboration with OnCall Cyber. Have a listen to the podcast to learn more about being prepared for a cyberattack, and to understand how cyberlaw attorneys coach their clients to be more prepared and how to respond to an incident.
How Attorneys Orchestrate Cyberattack Investigations
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.