16 May 2024

Amendments To The Regulations Governing The Advertising Of Goods And Services In Argentina

Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA)


With firms representing more than 90 countries, each GALA member has the local expertise and experience in advertising, marketing and promotion law that will help your campaign achieve its objectives, and navigate the legal minefield successfully. GALA is a uniquely sensitive global resource whose members maintain frequent contact with each other to maximize the effectiveness of their collaborative efforts for their shared clients. GALA provides the premier worldwide resource to advertisers and agencies seeking solutions to problems involving the complex legal issues affecting today's marketplace.
On April 24th, 2024, Resolution 12/2024, issued by the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter the "Resolution"), was published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic.
United States Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment

On April 24th, 2024, Resolution 12/2024, issued by the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter the "Resolution"), was published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic. As stated in its own recital, the main purpose of the Resolution is to simplify the regulations governing advertisements "in such a way that they are clearer, more understandable and useful for the recipient of the information".

The Resolution emphasizes the extensive information that many times the advertising provider includes in advertisements, causing a deviation in the consumer's attention. In this regard, among others, the Resolution establishes:

  • Information to be included in advertisements of goods or services to undetermined potential consumers.
  • Form requirements to be met by the advertisements referred to in the previous point, varying according to the medium through which they are to be transmitted (graphic, television, or cinematographic and/or digital media).
  • Requirements to be complied with by advertisements when prices of goods or services are voluntarily advertised.

Failure to comply with the provisions of the Resolution will be sanctioned according to the guidelines of Decree No. 274/2019 of Commercial Loyalty and/or Law No. 24,240 of Consumer´s Protection. The Resolution repeals Resolution No. 915 dated December 1st, 2017.

The Resolution will become effective 30 days after its publication in the Official Gazette, that is, on May 24th, 2024.

To access the complete text of the Resolution click on the following link.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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