Uzbekistan's Customs Measures Against Counterfeiting

Trademark protection is a vital aspect of IP rights, serving as a primary defense mechanism against the spread of counterfeit goods.
Uzbekistan Intellectual Property

Trademark Protection in Customs in Uzbekistan

Trademark protection is a vital aspect of IP rights, serving as a primary defense mechanism against the spread of counterfeit goods. In Uzbekistan, trademark protection at customs has been significantly strengthened by recent legislative changes that bring it into line with international standards and provide a stronger framework. The introduction of ex-officio powers to customs authorities from May 27, 2024, marks a pivotal step in the country's fight against counterfeiting. This article delves into the legal aspects, relevant laws, and methods of trademark protection in Uzbekistan's customs, and provides an overview of the current situation regarding counterfeit issues at the border.

Legal Framework for Trademark Protection

The legal framework governing trademark protection in Uzbekistan is primarily encapsulated in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On trademarks, service marks and names of place of origin of goods" (№ 267-II, dated August 30, 2001). This law lays down the procedures for trademark registration, protection, and enforcement. Additionally, the Customs Code of Uzbekistan plays a crucial role in regulating the import and export of goods, including provisions specifically targeting counterfeit products.

Methods of Trademark Protection at Customs

Trademark protection at customs in Uzbekistan involves a multi-faceted approach, leveraging both legal and procedural mechanisms to prevent the entry of counterfeit goods into the country. One of the primary methods for protecting trademarks at customs is the recordal of trademarks with the customs authorities. Trademark owners must register their trademarks with the Customs Register of IP objects, maintained by the State Customs Committee of Uzbekistan. This recordal enables customs officers to identify and detain goods that infringe registered trademarks. The process involves submitting an application along with relevant documentation proving the trademark's validity and ownership.

Customs authorities are empowered to inspect shipments at the border. Upon suspicion that a shipment contains counterfeit goods, customs officers can detain the goods and notify the trademark owner. The owner then has the opportunity to inspect the detained goods and take legal action if necessary.

Effective from May 27, 2024, customs authorities in Uzbekistan have been granted ex-officio powers to combat import and export of counterfeit goods. This legislative change allows customs officers to act independently, without requiring a formal complaint from the rightholder. If customs officers suspect that a product is counterfeit, they can detain the cargo and begin an investigation at their own discretion.

When counterfeit goods are detained by customs, rightholders can initiate legal proceedings against the infringers. The legal framework in Uzbekistan provides for civil and administrative penalties for trademark infringement. Civil remedies include injunctions, damages, and destruction of counterfeit goods. Administrative penalties may involve fines and seizure of goods.


Counterfeit goods pose a significant challenge to Uzbekistan's economy, affecting various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, electronics, and consumer goods. The spread of counterfeit products undermines the integrity of legitimate businesses, poses health and safety risks to consumers, and results in substantial revenue losses for the government and the rightholders. The implementation of ex-officio powers marks a crucial development in addressing these challenges.

The introduction of ex-officio powers for customs authorities in Uzbekistan represents a significant advancement in the country's trademark protection framework. By enabling customs officers to act independently against suspected counterfeit goods, Uzbekistan is enhancing its ability to safeguard IP rights and protect consumers from the dangers posed by counterfeit products. This legislative change is also an important step on the path towards joining the World Trade Organization, demonstrating Uzbekistan's commitment to aligning with international standards and best practices in IP protection.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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