22 November 2023

Webinar: Arbitration In Ghana: Keeping Up With Key International Best Practices & Developments

This webinar seeks to trace the major and recent developments on arbitration in Ghana since the passage of Act 798. It shall highlight the significant progress in arbitration practice in Ghana.
Worldwide Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

Arbitration has gained traction in Ghana. The enactment of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) over a decade ago marked a watershed in the practice of Arbitration in Ghana. The Act to a large extent was fashioned around the UNCITRAL Model Law and included key provisions promoting party autonomy, separability and the finality of arbitral awards.

Arbitration continues to evolve significantly after the passage of Act 798. In recent times, issues of third-party funding, multiple parties in arbitration, emergency arbitrators, extension of arbitration agreements to non-signatory parties have taken the centre stage in various discussion about international arbitration. The evolution of international arbitration has seen some countries undergoing legislative reforms to ensure that their arbitration laws are in tune with modern best practices.

This webinar seeks to trace the major and recent developments on arbitration in Ghana since the passage of Act 798. It shall highlight the significant progress in arbitration practice in Ghana and also consider key areas which calls for improvement to bring arbitration practice in Ghana up to speed with international developments.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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