From 31 March 2023 a new instrument under the Migration Regulations 1994—Specification of evidentiary requirements—family violence is in place that reduces the burden placed on victims of family and domestic violence seeking a visa.
The new measures include adding midwives to the list of medical professions who can provide evidence; adding risk assessments and reports as types of evidence in lieu of statutory declarations; adding additional advocacy and crisis service providers who can provide evidence and removing the statutory declaration requirement for some healthcare professionals.
You and your family do not have to remain in a relationship where you fear for your or your family's safety to stay in Australia. You do not have to lose your visa or have your permanent residency refused, if you are a victim of domestic or family violence. Get in touch with Immigration Solutions Lawyers today to get the help you need.
- physical violence
- sexual assault
- verbal or emotional abuse
- controlling behaviour
- stalking
- technology facilitated abuse
- financial abuse
- abuse of the elderly
- forced isolation or economic deprivation, including dowry-related abuse.
At Immigration Solutions Lawyers, we're here to guide you through these changes and help you navigate the evolving landscape of immigration. Our team is dedicated to providing the assistance you need to make informed decisions about your visa options.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.