Unearthing the paradox: The mining industry amidst prosperity and insolvency in Australia

Cathro & Partners


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Proactive financial management is critical, as the mining industry oscillates between high prices and escalating costs.
Australia Strategy

The perplexing conundrum of observing insolvency and financial tumult in Australia's mining sector amidst record highs in mineral prices and employment, invites scrutiny into the undercurrents that drive these seemingly paradoxical scenarios. Mining, with its intensive capital and operational demands, has been buffeted by a series of challenges, prominently featured by escalating costs and multifaceted financial and environmental pressures.

Escalating Operational Costs:

In recent years, operational costs for mining companies have surged markedly, shaping a challenging financial landscape. Several factors, such as the withdrawal of traditional lenders from the mining sector, supply chain disruptions, a tight labour market, and the Ukraine war-related energy price hike, are prominent contributors to this escalation. With many traditional lenders avoiding debt finance provision to the mining sector, companies are driven to embrace higher-priced debt from non-traditional lenders. The current macroeconomic scenario has inadvertently squeezed the financial mechanisms available to the sector, subsequently impacting its stability and viability.

Intricacies of Processing and Mineral Sales Amidst Price Peaks:

While mineral prices are skyrocketing, the issue doesn't lie inherently in the processing and selling of minerals. The focus pivots towards the aforementioned elevation in input costs, which have narrowed profit margins despite favourable selling prices. The adverse equation of higher production costs against lucrative mineral prices delineates a scenario where the profitability, and hence financial solvency, of mining companies is compromised.

Employment on the Rise:

Like every industry in Australia, the labour market is tight and the search for talent is difficult. Australia's mining boom began in 2003 (approximately 90k workers) and was initially thought to have peaked in 2012/13 when employment in the industry fell during 2015 to 2018 (approximately 220k). The mining industry has picked up again and there are currently more people employed in the industry (approximately 290k) than the previous peak in 2012 (approximately 280k). As a result, there was almost a generational push away from the mining industry as the tap appeared to be turned off, however, in reality, it continues to pour**.

Environmental Targets:

It is interesting that the mining sector, which is over 15% of national GDP in Australia, has had the Australian Government introduce environmental targets of net zero emissions by 2050 and has been somewhat adversarial to mining and moving towards more renewable energy sources. It may have been thought that this would cause the mining sector to reduce. However, Australia has some of the most abundant natural resources which are required for renewable energy sources such as batteries which requires lithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese. Further, the world continues to mass produce steel, which iron ore is the primary source and Australia is the world's biggest producer. How the industry progresses in this field will be interesting to watch considering the energy output required to produce minerals (which requires minerals to produce the renewable options). This could flag the need for mining businesses to refine their goals and objectives and potentially restructure.

Supply Chain Challenges in a Post-COVID Era:

The echoes of supply chain issues that were accentuated during the COVID-19 pandemic still reverberate, albeit with diminished intensity. Mining assets continue to encounter sporadic supply chain issues, which serve to amplify the operational challenges faced by mining entities. During COVID, the supply chain was amplified as assets that would usually be sold or turned over and purchased at auction, was not occurring. This inflated the cost of any mining assets on the market as most companies were retaining their assets for parts, as they couldn't wait for the supply chain delay. That being said, we are starting to see mining assets return to pre-COVID pricing and supply chain delays beginning to be non-existent.

Steady Demand yet Overseas Sales Dominate:

In terms of mineral demand, Australia hasn't witnessed a substantial reduction. However, a considerable majority of the minerals produced are sold to overseas purchasers, underlining the globalised nature of Australia's mining sector. The international market dynamics and global economic health, thus, play a pivotal role in determining the financial health and stability of the country's mining entities and price of the Australian dollar.

Perpetual Financial Scaffolding Through Capital Raises:

The pattern of perpetual capital raises, frequently seen in resource companies, highlights a critical misalignment between initial financial forecasts and the eventual realities of operationalising mining projects. Often, this originates from costs surpassing initial forecasts and delays in production, thereby pushing revenue generation timelines outwards. The constant dance between capital raising, cash exhaustion, and further capital solicitation underscores a vital financial management predicament faced by mining corporations and advice should be sought by experts to consider the potential outcomes for stakeholders.

Expensive Borrowing: A Last Resort:

Subsequent capital raises often originate from significantly costly borrowing channels, typically short-term finance with exorbitant rates. Engaging in such financial undertakings generally surfaces as a last resort after mining companies grapple with unexpected cost-side shocks or delays in revenue generation, whether due to governmental approval hold-ups, operational issues, or other impeding factors. Whilst these borrowings allow companies to continue in the short term with the hope of their explorations or mineral productions being successful. However, if they cannot hit their forecasts, it often leads to insolvency practitioner appointments and stakeholders being left with nothing.

Regulatory Costs: A Minor Yet Notable Player:

While rents, royalties, and various departmental requirements do pose an operational cost, they do not form a substantially impactful proportion of the overall cost base and are, thus, less likely to be pivotal in determining a company's success or failure in the sector.

Bargain Hunts and External Administration:

With that all being said, we have been seeing a number of mining related external administrations. A number of these external administrations could have been avoided if early restructuring advice had been sought and implemented to manage and respond to the stresses discussed in this article. This is leaving the door open to opportunities to seize bargains in this seemingly booming market. Those companies with robust capital bases, not reliant on expensive debt for funding acquisitions or operations, find themselves in a position to exploit the misfortunes of struggling entities, perhaps further widening the operational and financial disparity observed in the sector.


As Australia's mining industry undergoes unprecedented fluctuations, oscillating between robust mineral prices and pressing financial challenges, it's imperative to underscore the importance of proactive financial management. The myriad challenges highlighted, be it escalating operational costs, environmental targets, or intricate supply chain issues, indicate the multifaceted nature of the sector's challenges.

It's noteworthy that amidst this complexity, early intervention can be the linchpin of successful financial remediation. For mining companies experiencing financial strain or foreseeing potential solvency concerns, early engagement with insolvency practitioners can pave the way for constructive solutions and mitigation strategies. Such proactive measures not only enhance the possibility of financial recovery but also protect stakeholder interests with early expert advice leading to more successful restructuring.


* https://labourmarketinsights.gov.au/industries/industry-details?industryCode=B

** https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/industry/mining/mineral-and-petroleum-exploration-australia/jun-2023

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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