Double-demerit points apply to NSW drivers over King's Birthday long weekend

Sydney Criminal Lawyers


Sydney Criminal Lawyers® is a renowned team of expert criminal defence lawyers with multiple locations in the Sydney Metropolitan Area, such as Sydney City, Parramatta, and Newcastle. Led by Law Society-certified Accredited Criminal Law Specialists, the firm has achieved numerous accolades and awards, including "Criminal Defence Firm of the Year in Australia." With a focus on client satisfaction and proven success in criminal and traffic cases, clients are guaranteed specialized representation from experienced lawyers dedicated to achieving optimal results in court.
Drivers are urged to drive carefully to avoid committing traffic offences which may endanger the safety of road users.
Australia Criminal Law

With the New South Wales road toll rising to 158 in 2024, 26 more than for the same period last year, drivers are being urged to drive carefully this King's Birthday long weekend and refrain from committing traffic offences, and thereby potentially endangering the safety of themselves and other road users.

Which traffic  offences attract double-demerit points?

Hand-in-hand with national holidays comes double-demerits for certain traffic offences, namely:

What are the double-demerit periods for 2024?

The remaining double-demerit periods for this year are:

 NSW Public Holiday Event  NSW Double Demerit Period Dates
King's Birthday 7 to 10 June 2024
Labour Day 4 to 7 October 2024
Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day 20 December 2024 to 1 January 2025
Anzac Day 25 April 2024
King's Birthday 10 June 2024

Demerit-point scheme

As most drivers are already aware, every licensed driver in New South Wales is allocated a  certain number of 'points' each three years, and reaching that number will result in suspension from driving for a period of between three and six months, depending on the number of points exceeded.

The allocated points for New South Wales drivers are as follows:

  • Professional driver licence: 14 points.
  • Unrestricted licence: 13 points.
  • Provisional P2 licence: 7 points.
  • Provisional P1 licence: 4 points.
  • A Learner licence: 4 points.

Demerit points appeals

Provisional and learner drivers are permitted to appeal against a demerit point suspension, but professional and unrestricted licence holders are not.

Unrestricted and professional drivers may, however, contest the alleged traffic offences or offences that resulted in the demerit point suspension by electing to take the penalty notice or notices to court. In the event the prosecution is unable to prove the offence/s beyond a reasonable doubt, the driver will be found not guilty and any associated demerit points will be revoked.

Alternatively, these drivers may elect to take the penalty notice to court, plead guilty and seek to persuade the magistrate to exercise his or her discretion to impose a non-conviction order such as a  section 10 dismissal, in which case demerit points will also be revoked.

Drive safely for everyone's benefit

At the end of the day, the best advice is to drive safely and stay within the road rules, thereby enhancing the safety of all road users and not facing the prospects of a licence suspension.

Facing a driver licence suspension?

However, if you do find yourself facing the prospects of a driver licence suspension, contacting and receiving specialist advice from experienced traffic lawyers is a good way to maximise the likelihood of protecting your licence and your livelihood.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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