Privacy & Data Protection

Compliance with laws regulating the collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal information has become a key concern for both private- and public-sector organizations.
Blakes lawyers practising in this area have advised a range of clients with respect to privacy matters, including clients in industries with specialized privacy concerns, such as the e-commerce, health and financial services sectors.
Blakes Privacy lawyers have extensive experience in related areas of law, including copyright, entertainment and media, information technology, outsourcing, consumer protection, constitutional law, and regulatory compliance matters. We also work closely with members of the Firm's Litigation & Dispute Resolution team, and many of the leading cases on access-to-information issues have been argued by Blakes litigators. We regularly work with corporations to facilitate the development and implementation of privacy and employment policies, including auditing personal information practices, drafting privacy policies and guidelines, complaint procedures, website information packages, and management training.
We advise clients on compliance matters involving the application of privacy and data protection legislation, responses to data breaches and privacy-related complaints and to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy requests. We also assist clients in obtaining guidance from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and its provincial counterparts.