4 October 2022

New High-Tech Visa For Foreign National Interns

Envoy Global, Inc.


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The government of South Korea introduced a new high-tech visa type for foreign national interns.
South Korea Immigration

Key Points

  • The government of South Korea introduced a new high-tech visa type for foreign national interns


The government of South Korea established a new visa program for foreign national interns working in high-tech industries on 29 September 2022.?Eligible applicants for the D-10-3 visa will include foreign national students intending to intern at:

  • A Korean company listed on the stock exchange which has high-tech research and development facilities;
  • Corporations with an affiliated research institution;
  • Corporations designated as high-tech companies; or
  • Start-up corporations

The foreign national student must be registered at a "prestigious" university abroad and hold a major in high technology. A prestigious university includes the top 200 universities listed in the Times Higher Education World University rankings.

What are the Changes?

On 29 September 2022, the government of South Korea launched a new visa program for foreign national interns in high-tech industries. According to the government of South Korea, this new visa type will encourage the competitiveness of high-tech companies throughout the country and will account for increased demand for student intern programs.

Originally published SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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