9 January 2017

Draft Law To Become Member Of The Patent Cooperation Treaty

Moeller IP Advisors


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The Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay, Carolina Cosse, reported that the government intends to submit a draft law for Uruguay to become a member of the PCT to the Parliament shortly.
Uruguay Intellectual Property

On July 28, 2016, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay, Carolina Cosse, reported that the government intends to submit a draft law for Uruguay to become a member of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to the Parliament shortly.

The announcement took place during an event organized by the Uruguayan PTO (DNPI) to inform about the implementation in the following weeks of an online system for the filing of patents and trademarks.

The draft law to adhere to the PCT has not yet been sent to Parliament.

We will keep you informed about any updates as they arise.

Originally published on August 9, 2016

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