29 November 2022

Maine Continues Rulemaking For PFAS In Consumer Products Law

Keller & Heckman


Keller & Heckman
Maine's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently published a second "concept draft" rule to implement Maine's sweeping PFAS in consumer products legislation; comments are due tomorrow, November 10, on the second "concept draft."
United States Maine Environment
  • Maine's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently published a second "concept draft" rule to implement Maine's sweeping PFAS in consumer products legislation; comments are due tomorrow, November 10, on the second "concept draft." Readers may recall that in July 2021, Maine passed "An Act to Stop Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution," which implements reporting requirements for intentionally added PFAS in consumer products. The law also prohibits PFAS in carpets, rugs, and fabric treatments, and institutes a total ban on intentionally added PFAS by January 1, 2030. Once Maine settles on proposed implementing regulations to advance to the Board of Environmental Protection, a formal comment period will open, likely sometime in December based on recent public statements from Maine DEP personnel. Although the rulemaking process is still ongoing, key updates are provided below:
    • Beginning January 1, 2023, the law requires manufacturers to notify the state of any products sold or distributed in Maine that contain intentionally added PFAS. Products that contain intentionally added PFAS and which are not reported are prohibited from sale or distribution in the state. Importantly for food companies, DEP has stated that it interprets the statute as applying to food packaging.
    • DEP does not currently have a formal system in place to report products that contain intentionally added PFAS, but DEP will accept notifications via mail or email at Maine is currently working with the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse to develop a reporting database that will ultimately be made public. The statute provides that the notification must include the following:

(1) A brief description of the product;

(2) The purpose for which PFAS are used in the product, including in any product components;

(3) The amount of each of the PFAS, identified by its CAS registry number, in the product, reported as an exact quantity determined using commercially available analytical methods or as falling within a range approved for reporting purposes by the Maine DEP;

(4) The name and address of the manufacturer, and the name, address and phone number of a contact person for the manufacturer; and

(5) Any additional information established by the department by rule.

  • Exemptions: The statute provides for two exemptions from the reporting requirement. First, "Products for which federal law governs the presence of PFAS in the product in a manner that preempts state authority" are theoretically exempt. However, DEP has stated that it is not aware of any federal law or regulation that would apply under this exemption. The second exemption applies to a "product subject to Title 32, chapter 26-A or 26-B" of the Maine Revised Statutes. Although Chapters 26-A (32 M.R.S. § 1731-1738) and 26-B (38 M.R.S. § 1741-1747) do apply to food packaging generally, DEP has stated that it will interpret this language narrowly. An FAQ page on DEP's website states that food packaging is only "subject to" chapter 26-A when the Department prohibits its sale by rule (which it has not yet done) and is only subject to Chapter 26-B if it contains a chemical designated as a "priority food contact chemical" by DEP's Commissioner (which has not yet happened). Thus, our readers should be aware that DEP does not interpret these exemptions as applying to food packaging.
  • Waivers and Extensions: Maine's DEP is accepting requests for extensions to the reporting deadline on a case-by-case basis. Requests for extensions must be made by or on behalf of specific named manufacturers in advance of the January 1, 2023 reporting deadline. If a manufacturer does not know if their products contain intentionally added PFAS and/or if the manufacturer cannot provide sufficient information to comply with the detailed reporting requirements listed above, that manufacturer can submit an extension request to Readers should be aware that all companies that are granted an extension will be listed on a publicly available document.
  • Penalties and Enforcement: Maine's PFAS prohibition in consumer products directs DEP to adopt rules as necessary for the administration and enforcement of the statutes. In the concept draft rule, DEP indicated that any violations are subject to DEP's enforcement authority under 38 M.R.S. §§ 347-349. A person who violates the provisions of the PFAS statute/reporting obligations may be subject to an investigation resulting in an administrative consent agreement, an enforcement hearing on the alleged violation, or a civil or criminal action brought by the Attorney General. Civil penalties can be up to $10,000 per day of violation unless the violation relates to hazardous waste, in which case the person shall pay the state a penalty to be determined by a court of not more than $25,000 per day of violation. In addition, criminal penalties (Section 349) can be up to $25,000 per day of violation. (Section 349 indicates that violations of the provisions administered by the Maine DEP are considered a Class E crime, which is punishable up to six months incarceration and a $1,000 fine).
  • Keller and Heckman will continue to monitor and provide updates on Maine's PFAS draft regulations.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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