The bill prohibits local governments from enacting or enforcing residential occupancy limits based on familial relationship while allowing local governments to implement residential occupancy limits based on demonstrated health and safety standards such as international building code standards, fire code regulations, or Colorado department of public health and environment wastewater and water quality standards.
Legislative Updates
- 2024-02-12 / Engrossed
Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing - 2024-02-09
House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments - 2024-02-06
House Third Reading Laid Over to 02/09/2024 - No Amendments - 2024-02-05
House Third Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments - 2024-02-02
House Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.