The bill limits certain amounts that may be collected by owner's associations from unit owners. When an owners' association can require a unit owner to reimburse the association for collection costs, attorney fees, or other costs resulting from the owner's failure to timely pay assessments or other money owed, the bill limits the reimbursement amount to 50% of the original money owed. When an owners' association can require a unit owner to reimburse the association for collection costs and attorney fees resulting from the owner's failure to obey the bylaws or rules of the association, the bill limits the reimbursement amount to 50% of the actual cost the association incurred for the failure to obey. When an association prevails in an action to collect unpaid assessments or enforce or defend the association's bylaws or rules, the bill limits the award of reasonable attorney fees, costs, and collection costs to 50% of the balance owed to the association. The bill also prohibits an association from foreclosing on a lien for amounts owed to the association by the unit owner until certain circumstances have been met. The bill prohibits foreclosure on a lien if the unit owner is in compliance with a payment plan for the amount due.
Legislative Update
[Hearing: March 20 @ 1:30 PM in Room LSB-A]
- 2024-02-26 / Introduced
Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.