On February 20, 2017, the ESAs published a joint Opinion on the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing affecting the EU's financial sector. The ESAs—the EBA, ESMA and EIOPA - are required by the Fourth Money Laundering Directive to prepare the Opinion. The Opinion is intended to inform the European Commission's assessment of the AML and CFT risks affecting the EU financial market, inform the ESA's work on enhancing supervisory convergence and assist national regulators applying the risk-based approach to AML/CFT supervision.

The Opinion sets out the AML/CFT risks that the EU financial sector is exposed to which include, amongst other things, ineffective systems and controls, regulatory arbitrage, lack of access to intelligence on terrorist suspects and the movement of high-risk transactions out of the regulated sector. The ESAs conclude that more is needed to ensure that the EU's AML and CFT defenses are effective, particularly as Member States move to a more risk-based AML/CFT regime. Some existing initiatives will help to address the risks, such as the proposed amendments to the Fourth Money Laundering Directive and the relevant Guidelines issued by the ESAs. However, the ESAs consider that enforcement agencies could assist by ensuring that financial institutions have timely access to relevant information, that national regulators could proactively raise awareness of supervisory expectations, including by providing targeted guidance, that national regulators should collect AML/CFT data in a more consistent manner to facilitate comparisons and track progress and that the EU authorities should identify ways to ensure that the EU's AML/CFT laws and guidelines are implemented effectively and consistently across the EU.

The Opinion is available at: http://www.eba.europa.eu/documents/10180/1759750/ESAS+Joint+Opinion+on+the+risks+of+money+laundering+and+terrorist+financing+affecting+the+Union%E2%80%99s+financial+sector+%28JC-2017-07%29.pdf .

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