Jacqueline Harding ((Partner-Los Angeles) and Ani Khachatryan (Associate-Los Angeles) coauthored the article "California's SB 553 is the One to Watch as States Launch Workplace Violence Prevention Plans," published in the August 5, 2024, edition of the Daily Journal. Jackie and Ani present guidance provided by California's Division of Occupational Safety on employer compliance with Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), enacted July 1, 2024, which requires nearly every California employer to implement a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP). Noting that "employees should be involved in the development and implementation of the plan," the article covers key features of a WVPP regarding employer obligations and mandated procedures, such as maintaining detailed records of incidents, identifying and assessing potential threats of violence, tailoring the WVPP to an organization's risks and vulnerabilities, and providing employees with training on the company's plan. "While California is the first state to enact such a broad workplace violence prevention law, other states are considering similar legislation."
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.