Cahill partners Helene Banks, Meghan McDermott, and Patrick Gordon and counsel Gregory Battista co-authored the "Basics of ESG Finance" chapter in Globe Law and Business' Global ESG Handbook.
As corporate and legal sectors have increased focus on ESG values and developed more sophisticated policies and standards, ESG investing has become an increasingly popular topic. In this chapter, Helene, Meghan, Pat, and Greg provide an overview of the most common financial vehicles to advance ESG objectives: so-called "green" bonds and, the newer alternative, "sustainability-linked" instruments.
To purchase the handbook, please click here.
Please see excerpt of the chapter below.
The ESG Handbook LIVE_EXTRACT.pdf (pdf | 139.65 KB )
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.