In the last five years, the National Labor Relations Board has made traditional union-free strategies obsolete.  The expected new decisions and rules will make staying union-free even more difficult.  Here are the 10 things every employer must do if it wishes to remain union-free, even under the new rules:

  1. Structure your operation to avoid micro-units
  2. Know whom you want to be supervisors and make sure that they meet the Board's new tests
  3. Have legal no solicitation/no distribution/ no access rules
  4. Have legal code of conduct/legal electronic media/social media policies
  5. Train supervisors with more than lectures
  6. Have and publish why employees should be union-free, what you have done to make unions unnecessary, and the meaning and use of union authorization cards
  7. Have an effective communication system
  8. Have competitive wages and benefits
  9. Have a credible dispute resolution system
  10. Have a rapid response program

If you wait until union organizing is underway, it will likely be too late.

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