In this impactful episode of Dimensions of Diversity, host Lloyd Freeman engages in a profound conversation with Chris Singleton, a former minor league baseball player turned nationally renowned speaker. Chris shares his heart-wrenching yet uplifting story of loss, resilience, and forgiveness following the tragic murder of his mother at Mother Emanuel AME Church in 2015.
With themes of unity, healing, and purpose, Chris opens up about his journey of overcoming unimaginable grief and transforming his pain into a mission to bring people together and combat hatred. This conversation not only explores the profound impact of faith and forgiveness but also provides valuable insights and inspiration for anyone navigating their own healing journey.
You can listen to Dimensions of Diversity in many places: on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts, and more.
Dimensions of Diversity is a podcast created by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, highlighting diversity in the workplace. Hosted by Lloyd Freeman, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, the podcast features meaningful conversations with industry and community leaders working to advance D&I.
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