Schulte Roth & Zabel Chief Innovation Officer and Chief DEI Officer John K. Johnson recently authored thearticle, "Schulte's Culture of Connection and Belonging," for Savoy Magazine, offering insights into the firm's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
He outlined the firm's DEI efforts, which are guided by four foundational principles: ensuring workplace equity, nurturing diverse talent, cultivating a sense of belonging and making a meaningful societal impact. Schulte's inclusive approach—embodied by the "one firm, one team" ethos—paves the way for industry-leading inclusivity policies that extend to business professionals as well as lawyers. This inclusiveness is integral to the Schulte Code of Civility, fostering an environment of respect and trust.
By setting an inclusive "one firm, one team" tone, the firm is leading the industry with more inclusive policies around business professionals, including opening our affinity groups and alumni programs to all lawyers and business professionals of the firm. This spirit is enshrined in the Schulte Code of Civility and sets a tone for a climate of mutual respect and trust.
Schulte also actively seeks to create opportunities and develop diverse talent pipelines through partnerships with organizations focused on professional development for students from underrepresented groups—including those at the pre-law and high school levels, and first-generation professionals.
Read more here.
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