On this episode of Dimensions of Diversity, Lloyd Freeman speaks with Meeta Anand, Senior Director of Census and Data Equity for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
The discussion highlights how the U.S. government is changing how it categorizes people by their race and ethnicity. This includes new options for the first time since 1977 under the question of "What is your race and/or ethnicity?" New categories include "Middle Eastern or North African" (also known as MENA) and "Hispanic or Latino." Meeta says these changes will achieve more accurate representation of the population as a whole.
Later, Meeta explains how data from the annual American Community Survey is providing local and national leaders with the information they need to develop better programs, greater economic development, improved emergency management, and a deeper focus on local issues and conditions.
To listen to the podcast, click here.
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Dimensions of Diversity is a podcast created by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, highlighting diversity in the workplace. Hosted by Lloyd Freeman, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, the podcast features meaningful conversations with industry and community leaders working to advance D&I.
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