With aging workers retiring later than ever, there are now five generations working together in today’s modern workforce. From the Silent Generation to Generation Z, retailers are faced with unique challenges and pitfalls managing a multigenerational workforce. Generational myths, stereotypes, and stray remarks are likely to result in costly litigation as disgruntled employees and plaintiff’s lawyers are continuing to file age discrimination charges and lawsuits against employers. In a bylined article for Retail Minded, Scott Fanning discusses the stereotypes generally connected to each generation currently in the workforce, including baby boomers being more inflexible and millennials switching jobs too often. He also provides advice on avoiding costly litigation, saying, “Sexual harassment or other sensitivity training, combined with comprehensive workplace anti-discrimination policies that specifically address age discrimination, can go a long way to reducing exposure and creating a welcoming workplace for employees of all ages.”
To read the full article, visit Retail Minded.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.