Sonya Bedford, Energy and Natural Resources Partner at Spencer West LLP, stated, "The election of Donald Trump places COP29 in an entirely different context. There is no secret of his dislike for renewable energy and willingness to withdraw America out of the Paris Agreement. Now is a key moment for the UK to lead global climate action and push for renewable energy transitions."
At COP29 in Baku, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer committed the UK to an ambitious 81% carbon emissions reduction by 2035. This builds on prior targets under the Sixth Carbon Budget, despite current projections falling short of 2030 goals. Starmer emphasised "climate security" as an opportunity for growth while avoiding restrictions on individual lifestyles.
Environment Journal has published an article featuring insights from Spencer West's Sonya Bedford on the UK's climate targets. The piece examines challenges in meeting these goals and the need for stronger global leadership at COP29. It highlights the importance of Britain stepping up amid political and environmental uncertainties.
Read the full article here: Can the UK Really Hit an 81% Emissions Reduction by 2035?
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