- European Data Protection Board
- Guidelines on certification as a tool for transfers
- Guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement
- Guidelines on the calculation of GDPR fines
- Guidelines on dark patterns in social media platform interfaces
- German data protection authorities
- Decision on employee data protection
- FAQ on Facebook fan pages
- Guidelines on e-commerce using guest access
- Decision on scientific research and data protection
- Annual reports of German data protection authorities
- New rules to strengthen and better enforce consumer rights in Germany and the EU - more on our blog
- European Parliamentary Research Service: briefing on the metaverse
Tune in to our Tech Law Talks podcast channel for regular discussions led by the firm's technology lawyers about the legal and business issues around data protection, privacy, and security; data risk management; intellectual property; social media; and more. Recent episodes have covered eComms compliance, M365, an update on ICO activities, analytics cookies, and AI vendors.
IT and Data Protection Newsletter – Germany Summer 2022 edition | Perspectives | Reed Smith LLP
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.