Amendments to the Turkish Copyright Laws in June 1995, protects the computer software under the Copyright provisions. Prosecution of the software piracy has been made subject to quickest investigation procedures. The Police has been authorised to seize pirate software without a court order.

Following these amendments the Business Software alliance have established itself in the Turkish Jurisdiction. Mehmet Gun & Co, of Istanbul have been appointed as the Local legal counsel. BSA aims to educate the practitioners, to raise the public awareness on the software copyright and to take legal actions against the pirates.

BSA Turkey has taken number of criminal actions on targets in Istanbul, Ankara the major centres in Turkey. The actions involved 20 reseller targets, and (4) BBS operators. The police detained more than (20) suspects for charges of copyright violation and seized more than (40) PC's, thousands of floppy disks and CD-ROM's.

The judges, public prosecutors and the police officers are very keen to learn the new regulations and the application of the Law. A half day seminar in Istanbul organised by the BSA Turkey was attended more than 100 judges and prosecutors.

The content of this article is to provide only a general information on the subject. Legal advice should be sought for any specific circumstances.