30 August 2023

Attorney Sued By Former Client

Hjort has assisted a law firm and the lawyer responsible for the case in a case where a former client had made a claim for compensation.
Norway Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

Background of the case

The former client argued that the lawyer in charge had acted negligently during a critical phase of a foreclosure process and thus caused the client a significant financial loss. The claim for compensation against the law firm and the lawyer responsible for the case was unsuccessful.

The former client had engaged the lawyer in connection with a mortgagee having made a claim for the sale of the client's residential property. When the property was later forcibly sold, the client alleged that the lawyer had not forwarded all relevant information the lawyer had received, nor had he followed up the case properly.

Acquitted and awarded legal costs

Oslo District Court concluded in its judgment of 9 September. December 2022 that there was no evidence that the lawyer had acted negligently or otherwise disregarded his duties towards his client. Both the law firm and the lawyer were thus acquitted and awarded legal costs. The former client's appeal was denied in the Borgarting Court of Appeal's decision of April 3, 2023. The Court of Appeal also concluded that the lawyer had provided adequate advice and followed up his client's interests loyally.

Compensation claims against lawyers

Hjort regularly assists other law firms and lawyers who are sued with claims for compensation. We are also often asked whether there may be grounds for claiming compensation against other law firms and lawyers. Our experience in assisting both torts and injured parties in cases concerning legal liability makes us well suited to assist in this type of case.

Alex Borch has extensive experience when it comes to professional and board responsibility. In 2019, he handled several major compensation cases against law firms in both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

Originally published by 18 April, 2023

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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