In what promises to be an informative and interactive webinar, attendees will receive synthesized, concise and current information on the latest aviation developments in The Bahamas: a jurisdiction which is rapidly increasing as an even more favourable destination for the registration, financing and leasing of aircraft and aviation generally. This webinar aims to provide organizations active in air transport with essential insights and guidance on best practices, trends and general aviation issues.
This webinar will address the following:
- The newly streamlined application process for foreign
operators seeking to obtain an Air Transport Licence;
- The impact of The Bahamas' consideration of acceding to the
Cape Town Convention given its already existing status as a
reputable financial services jurisdiction;
- The recent revisions to the local aviation legislative framework
which deepen The Bahamas' attractiveness in the international
aviation arena; and
- The revitalization of the aviation infrastructure in The Bahamas
by way of the Airports Public Private Partnership program.
Higgs & Johnson's MAP Group routinely provides timely, efficient and cost-effective legal services to ship-owners, ship mortgagors/mortgagees, aircraft owners/operators and major international airlines / chartered operators regarding their onshore and offshore requirements. The Aviation arm of the practice advises and represents domestic and international airlines and other aviation clients on a daily basis regarding legal issues related to every aspect of their business.
This webinar is intended for a wide audience, including aviation professionals, lawyers, insolvency professionals, airline and leasing executives, regulatory authorities, academics, students, and anyone interested in commercial aviation.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.