Developed by our International Standards Group and IFRS banking specialists around the KPMG network, KPMG's ninth quarterly IFRS banking newsletter -'The Bank Statement'- brings together current IFRS issues facing banks.
- The IASB's long-awaited revised proposals on the impairment of financial assets have been re-exposed for public comment, whereas the issuance of the final general hedging standard will be delayed until the IASB has completed further outreach.
- Regulators are focusing on forbearance arrangements. We explore the related accounting and disclosure requirements.
- Amendments to IFRS 9 on classification and measurement can impact banks' regulatory ratios. We consider some areas of potential interaction between these amendments and certain elements of the Basel III regulatory framework.
Download the Newsletter here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.