On March 26, 2019 through the portal of Guatecompras, the Agency for Public Private Partnerships, ANADIE, launched the contest identified as NOG 10054006, to hire consulting companies with experience in the development of prefactibility, and implementation studies for transportation systems projects, to advise on the First Phase of the Project "Metro Rail".
The massive transport project called "Metro Riel" consists of a light rail system that connects the south and north transportation centers of the Metropolitan Area of Guatemala City.
The general objective of the contest is to hire a consulting company that can perform the updating and validation of technical studies in prefactibility studies, in order to have a robust and optimized technical project with an advanced engineering design level, in order to move forward with the structuring of the project.
The contracted company must provide a report with a work plan, market, technical, economic, and financial studies as well as a convenience analysis and the necessary transaction documentation for the prequalification and bidding phases of the project.
The requirements, terms of reference and other information to participate in the project can be consulted here.
The closing date and time for the reception of Proposals in May 13th, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. (local time in Guatemala).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.