Please join us for our second Trowers Tuesdays of the year on 18 January 2022 where Imogen Reseigh and Jake Wilkie will be asking questions on pandemic related issues, including hybrid working and employee wellbeing.

At our last Trowers Tuesday session, over 63% of respondents to our survey put employee wellbeing as top of their HR agenda for 2022, and the majority considered staff fatigue and burnout as one of their biggest staffing challenges at the moment. This is no surprise, in light of the on-going pandemic and return to working from home guidance which has disrupted back-to-the-office plans. We will address this challenge for employers and provide tips for promoting staff wellbeing and managing a remote workforce.

This will be a Q&A session, so please submit any questions in advance using the registration form, and we will aim to answer as many as possible during the session.



When: 11:30AM - 12:15PM


Our latest article on what's coming up for employers in 2022 can be viewed here.

You can find the recording of our last edition of Trowers Tuesday on what's new in 2022 here.