On October 26, Mike Pikiel, Winston partner and co-chair of the Energy & Infrastructure Industry Group, will speak at Inframation's U.S. P3 Forum in New York City. This one-day event is the public-private partnership (P3) industry's premier gathering of infrastructure developers, investors, financiers, state and federal public officials, and regional transportation authorities. Mike will lead a panel discussion covering the current market for investment in "bridges and roads" projects.

Panelists will address state governments' needs for capital in order to build bridges and widen freeways to address growing congestion, as well the significance of President Biden's infrastructure bill, which is set to provide billions in funding to address these issues. Attendees should also expect the panel to discuss the following trends and challenges in the transportation P3 market:

  • Project cancellation risks in transportation P3s;
  • Types of projects that work best for P3 investments;
  • The possibility for federal funding to crowd out private investors; and
  • Opportunities to be created by the expanded TIFIA program and value-for-money analysis requirements.

Register for the event here.