Charlie Spies (Member, Washington, D.C.) recently stopped by CNN's The Lead to discuss a range of issues, starting with accusations of Attorney General William Barr's political bias and the effect it has on his performance. Charlie argued that it's not unusual for the AG position to be politicized, pointing to the Obama Department of Justice's reluctance to provide nonprofit exemptions to conservative organizations. To see more, click here.

The panel also discussed the Democratic race for the nomination, from Bernie Sanders' recent climb to frontrunner status to Michael Bloomberg's late, self-funded entry into the race. Charlie mentions that since 2016, electability isn't as crucial as a factor as was previously thought. To see more, click here.

They also spoke about the troubled Democratic Iowa caucus and how things could have gone in Nevada, as the state simplified the process by deciding against using an app as previously planned. Charlie noted that he was shocked by Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez's actions and refusal to stand with his state party chairs. To see more, click here.