Organised by Walkers (Jersey) LLP, Listen Up! is a competition open to year 12 and 13 students, which aims to encourage public speaking.

The competition

Students are invited to create a 2-4 minute vlog answering the question:

"What does liberation mean to you?"

In answering this question, the vlog may explore any topic important to the applicant and need not be directly related to liberation of the Channel Islands in 1945. The vlog will be evaluated for:

  • interpretation of brief;
  • creativity;
  • presentation skills; and
  • enthusiasm.

A shortlist of applicants will be invited to present their speech to a panel in the week commencing 10th February 2020.


The shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a public event hosted by Walkers on the afternoon of 27 February 2019 to celebrate equality and diversity in the run up to International Women's Day 2020 titled: A celebration of liberation through the generations. The event will include a variety of speakers, a celebration picnic, an interactive panel discussion and networking opportunities.

The competition winner will receive a £200 cash prize and will also be granted the opportunity to deliver their speech at the event.

Submission information

To apply, entrants should complete a submission form and submit this together with their vlog (please ensure to save the file with your first and last name to avoid any confusion) to:

Submission Deadline:

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Competition Flyer

Submission Form