Providence, R.I. (November 22, 2024) - On November 21, 2024, a Providence County jury returned a unanimous defense verdict for Union Carbide Corporation after a nine-day trial presided over by Associate Justice Richard A. Licht. Tim McGowan of Kelley Jasons McGowan Spinelli Hanna & Reber LLP, Eric Cook of Willcox Savage, and Monica R. Nelson of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP represented Union Carbide at trial. Elliott Davis of Shook Hardy & Bacon was Union Carbide's appellate counsel.
The plaintiffs' lawyers, Vincent L. Greene IV, Nathan D. Finch, and Ashley Hornstein of Motley Rice LLC, represented the family of Mrs. Bonnie Bonito in the first asbestos matter to go to trial in Rhode Island in close to 40 years and requested nearly $25 million in compensatory damages for the death of Mrs. Bonito from her alleged exposure to Union Carbide's asbestos, among many other asbestos-containing products, through the work clothes of her husband. The plaintiffs' proffered theory of liability against Union Carbide Corporation is known as a "take-home" exposure claim.
After nearly two full days of deliberations, the jury returned a complete defense verdict in favor of Union Carbide on all the plaintiffs' claims, finding that Union Carbide's Calidria asbestos was not defectively designed and that the Company did not fail to warn of the potential health hazards of asbestos.