21 November 2024

Lewis Brisbois Achieves Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus

Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP


Founded in 1979 by seven lawyers from a premier Los Angeles firm, Lewis Brisbois has grown to include nearly 1,400 attorneys in 50 offices in 27 states, and dedicates itself to more than 40 legal practice areas for clients of all sizes in every major industry.
Lewis Brisbois is proud to announce that it has achieved Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus through Diversity Lab, a nonprofit organization that utilizes data and behavioral science...
United States

(October 2, 2024) - Lewis Brisbois is proud to announce that it has achieved Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus through Diversity Lab, a nonprofit organization that utilizes data and behavioral science to ensure that the talent systems in the legal profession are inclusive and equitable. This is the third consecutive year in which Lewis Brisbois has attained the Mansfield Rule certification.

Lewis Brisbois' latest certification illustrates that the firm has once again succeeded in a rigorous, 12-month assessment of how well it considers diverse candidates—specifically from historically underrepresented groups—for key leadership roles, equity partner promotions, client pitches, and senior lateral positions. Lewis Brisbois has been dedicated to the Mansfield Rule consistently, as the firm acquired Mansfield 5.0 Certification in 2022 and Mansfield 6.0 Certification in 2023. Moreover, Lewis Brisbois is participating in the Mansfield Rule 8.0 Certification process for 2024-2025.

This year, for the first time, Lewis Brisbois joined a select group of firms that attained Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus. The "Plus" designation indicates that the firm has successfully demonstrated the impact of its inclusive practices. Both the evaluation and selection of partnership and lateral hires ensures at least 30% representation for the following groups: women, historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, LGBTQ+, and lawyers with disabilities. In addition to engaging in inclusive practices that earned the firm its "Plus" designation, Lewis Brisbois has contributed to Diversity Lab's monthly group Knowledge Sharing meetings and has attended expert-led legal workshops to ensure the lawful implementation of Mansfield's principles.

In discussing the firm's Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus, Chief Diversity Partner Rima Badawiya stated, "We are proud to see the results of our continued hard work. This is a significant milestone for our commitment to diversity, and we are pleased to witness the progress that we have made. We must remind ourselves, though, that our work continues. With steadfast commitment, we will continue to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession, and we look forward to our continued partnership with Diversity Lab."

National Managing Partner Gregory Katz expressed similar sentiments, noting, "I am proud of the firm's efforts and pleased that we have attained Mansfield Certification once again. The 'Plus' distinction that we have received this year further demonstrates our dedication to creating a workplace where diversity is both actively pursued and highly valued."

Co-Chairs of Lewis Brisbois' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Karen Campbell and Alexis Crump explained, "Each year, the DEI Committee works diligently in setting realistic, forward-thinking objectives. Reaching Mansfield Certification for the third time affirms our comprehensive method of integrating DEI principles into our firm's daily affairs. We look forward to continuing to work with Diversity Lab as we move forward in our DEI journey."

Additionally, Co-Chairs of Lewis Brisbois' Women's Initiative Connie Fickel, Lauren Motola-Davis, and Cristina Yannucci stated, "The Mansfield Rule has provided many underrepresented groups, including women, opportunities to advance into key leadership roles throughout the legal profession. Diversity Lab's program has substantial impacts, and we are particularly proud to have achieved the 'Plus' designation this year."

Furthermore, Co-Chairs of Lewis Brisbois' LGBTQ Affinity Group Patrick Foley, Angeline loannou, and Dean McVay stated, "We are thrilled that Lewis Brisbois has achieved Mansfield 7.0 Certification Plus. Diversity and inclusivity have been longstanding core values at Lewis Brisbois, and the LGBTQ Affinity Group expresses our gratitude and respect for the hard work that the firm has put into this meaningful certification. It is only through such active engagement that we can generate an open, collaborative environment to better support the needs of our clients and lawyers."

Chair of Lewis Brisbois' DEI Advisory Board Jonathan Goins similarly noted, "This accomplishment reflects our dedication to furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion—values that align with those of many organizations across the industries we serve. Though the 'Plus' status is undoubtedly an achievement to be proud of, the endorsement is not our end-goal. Through the development of a diverse and inclusive work environment, we will continue to attract and retain exceptional talent while promoting the shared DEI goals of the larger legal profession."

Learn more about Diversity Lab here and the Mansfield Rule here.


Founded in 1979 by seven lawyers from a premier Los Angeles firm, Lewis Brisbois has grown to include nearly 1,400 attorneys in 50 offices in 27 states, and dedicates itself to more than 40 legal practice areas for clients of all sizes in every major industry.
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