Ariane Kim Gonzalez, Trainee Solicitor, is working with colleagues from Kennedys and other organisations to put on an event about race and ethnicity, one of more than 130 events taking place during this year's festival, which runs from 26 to 28 September.
Ariane, can you tell us a bit about the event?
Chivon Fraser-Purcell from Aviva is spearheading the event and together with various Dive In sponsors, we have arranged a panel of speakers to tackle Race and Ethnicity issues within the insurance sector and other closely related industries. The key theme is 'Evolution of the Race Conversation' which will be led by key D&I panellists within the insurance sector. The main focus is on how race has been talked about in the past, how it's talked about now and how it may be talked about in the future. There will be a focus on recruitment from diverse background being key to industry innovation.
And what's the main thing you'd like people to take away from your Dive In panel?
The importance of having a racially and ethnically diverse pool of talent across all industries especially in insurance and law. In recent years there have been real progress towards recruiting and retaining talent but there is movement to push the agenda further. Ultimately, innovative ideas are most useful when accessible and relatable to all.
What does the chance to bring this topic to life mean to you?
It's important for me to get involved in keeping the race conversation going and to highlight the fact that a career within the insurance industry is open to individuals of different backgrounds.