22 January 2021

Online Conference "Změny V Legislativě 2021" (Changes To Legislation In The Czech Republic In 2021) (Video)



Kinstellar acts as trusted legal counsel to leading investors across Emerging Europe and Central Asia. With offices in 11 jurisdictions and over 350 local and international lawyers, we deliver consistent, joined-up legal advice and assistance across diverse regional markets – together with the know-how and experience to champion your interests while minimising exposure to risk.
On 20 January, Kinstellar's Prague team hosted an online conference entitled "Changes to legislation 2021" – a conference for our clients' senior management as well as for our business partners.
Czech Republic Law Department Performance

January 2021 – On 20 January, Kinstellar's Prague team hosted an online conference entitled "Changes to legislation 2021" – a conference for our clients' senior management as well as for our business partners.

We have been getting information about new laws, decrees, regulations and directives literally every day. That is why we have decided to help our clients and partners get familiar with the most important changes to legislation to be introduced in the Czech Republic in 2021.

A number of our colleagues were able to present the main points of the fundamental changes coming to force in Czech and European law in 2021 in a concise and compelling way, emphasising how these changes will impact day-to-day business' of companies (video available in Czech only).

The conference hosted more than 300 participants.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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