We would like to notify all businesses carrying out activities of employment agencies or employment businesses that as from 1st June 2024, the provisions of Subsidiary Legislation 452.130 – Employment Agencies Regulations will come into force.
The purpose of the new changes is to standardise the conditions of employment agencies, to establish clear procedures, to enforce licence conditions as well as to ensure that qualified and competent individuals are committed. The new regulations will affect employment agencies who render the following services:
- Temporary work services
Temporary work services refer to the provision of workers with a view to making them available to a third party, which assigns their tasks and supervises the execution of these tasks.
- Outsourcing services (sub-contracting)
Outsourcing services refer to the provision of workers with a view to making them available to a third party under the supervision, direction, and control of the outsourcing agency (contractors and sub-contractors).
Those that already hold an employment agency license, the expiry date will still be valid, and may continue to perform such activities as authorised under their existing licence conditions until such existing licence expires. However, if such businesses need to apply for a temping/outsourcing agency also, then one needs to apply under the new legislative regime.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.