Fuel Storage In Panama

Pardini & Associates


Pardini & Associates
Total fuel storage capacity in the country is 29.8 million barrels, with Petroterminal de Panamas tank representing 50% of the figure.
Panama Energy and Natural Resources

Total fuel storage capacity in the country is 29.8 million barrels, with Petroterminal de Panamas tank representing 50% of the figure.

Panama has a storage capacity of 29.8 million barrels of oil, according to the latest report from the country's National Energy Secretariat.

The Fuel Free Zone (ZLC by its initials in Spanish) Petroterminal de Panama occupies almost half of the total capacity, through its two tank estates: Charco Azul in Chiriqui, which has a capacity of 7.5 million barrels, and Chiriqui Grande in Bocas del Toro, with a capacity of 7 million barrels. Both store oil and oil derivatives.

Within ten ZLC contracts in force in the country, also noteworthy is Refinera Panama, with the Bahia Las Minas estate in Colon, which has a storage capacity of 3.3 million barrels of oil, and the Maritime Authority of Panama, with 1.5 million barrels in Cristobal, in Colon, and 1.7 million in Balboa, Panama. Added to the list is Decal Panama, with its Isla Taboguilla estate, Panama, with 2.4 million barrels of marine fuel, and Melones Oil Terminal, with the Isla estate, Panama, with 2 million barrels of oil.

Source: http://www.centralamericadata.com/

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