As a manufacturer of any food or related product looking to register with the NAFDAC, you must comply with the NAFDAC labelling requirements before your registration will be completed. This article covers NAFDAC requirements for prepackaged foods, drinks and water. The categories of food products that need to meet this requirement includes but are not limited to all kinds of processed foods, packaged dairy products, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, ingredients and spices, sachet water, bottled water etc. These requirements apply to food, drinks and water manufactured, imported, distributed and sold in Nigeria.
NAFDAC Labelling Requirements for Pre-packaged Foods, Drinks and Water
Name of the Product
- The name of the product should be written boldly or indicated on the Principle Display Panel (PDP) in the label, describing the true nature of the food and not a generic name.
- The name of the product may also be the brand or trademarked name provided it is not misleading or confusing to consumers. Also, where a brand name is used, the type of product should also be included beneath. E.g. "CARDBURY BOURNVITA...CHOCOLATE DRINK".
- The name must also not be couched in a way that creates an unrealistic impression in the minds of consumers about the safety of the product.
- The name should also not encourage consumption of food products that are detrimental to the health of children.
- The name of the product must conform to the Codex Standards for pre-packaged food labelling.
List of Ingredients
- The list of every ingredient used in preparation of the food must be on the label and the weight of each in mass (m/m).
- If a particular ingredient is a mixture of two or more ingredients, each of the ingredients must be stated in brackets.
- Ingredients known to be allergens or known to cause hypersensitivity must also be particularly indicated.
- Added water should also form part of the ingredients except where water forms part of the ingredient such as syrup or broth, brine etc.
- Food additives carried over from raw materials to perform a processing function in the food when it is used must be listed.
Net Content of Pre-packaged Foods
- The average net content of every pre-packaged food must be described on the label as follows:
- Liquid food or water – in volume.
- Solid food or ice – by weight or number count
- Semi-solid or viscous food – by weight or volume
- If a food item is sold but contains liquid (like canned fruit in syrup or beans in water), and the liquid is usually poured out before you eat the food, the package must state the weight of the foodwithoutthe liquid.
- if a product is sold in multi-unit packages (e.g., a box containing several smaller packages inside), the outer packaging must clearly display:
- The number of individual units inside.
- The net content (weight, volume, etc.) of each unit.
- The total content of the entire multi-unit package.
Details of the Manufacturer
- The name and address of a manufacturer, packer, re-packer, distributor, import, exporter or vendor of a pre-packaged food should be included on the label.
- The corporate head office address of the manufacturer should also be included on the label, provided that the label also contains a mark that a consumer can use to easily identify the processing facility.
Date of Manufacture and Expiry
- The date of manufacture must be written clearly on the label in a (DD/MM/YYYY) format and should be introduced with the words "Date of Manufacture".
- There should also be a Best Before date in the (DD/MM/YYYY) format. A Best Before date is not necessary for foods like fresh fruits; vegetables; tubers that have not been peeled or cut; non-fortified solid sugar; non-iodized food salts; vinegar and baked goods or pastries.
- A Bar code with all vital and traceable information should also be included on the label.
- if the product has multiple items inside an outer wrapper (which the customer might throw away), the important date (like the expiration or best-before date) must be displayedboth on the outer packagingand on theindividual itemsthat the customer keeps.
Storage Conditions
The required storage conditions for each food product must be specified on the label.
Batch Number specification
The batch number of each product must be specified on the label. Abatch numberis a unique identification code assigned to a specific group of products that were made at the same time and under similar conditions. This helps with quality control and allows for quick identification in case of recalls or safety concerns.
Registration Number
The NAFDAC registration number (NAFDAC Reg No.) as issued in the certificate should be included on the label. Usually, during NAFDAC registration, businesses submit labels with a placeholder for the registration number, which is issued after successful registration. Once received, the label must be updated with the official number before the product is released. This ensures compliance while allowing for post-registration label adjustments.
The primary language for any writing on the label should be in English. Any other language may be included to enhance accessibility and ease of reference for a broader audience.
Ionizing Radiation
A pre-packaged food which has been treated with ionizing radiation must be stated on the label, as well as the nature of the treatment, very close to the name.
If an irradiated food is used as an ingredient in the food product, it must be indicated. Also, the international food irradiation symbol shall be indicated on the label of all irradiated foods, close to the name.
If a single ingredient product has been processed from a raw material which has been irradiated, the label must contain a statement indicating the treatment.
Direction for Use
There must also be appropriate and clear directions for the use of the product where necessary.
Frozen Foods
The form of freezing the food product must be indicated on the label.
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.