Technology And Regulation

We are pleased to present the latest edition of our monthly Technology & Regulation Client Update...
Israel Technology

We are pleased to present the latest edition of our monthly Technology & Regulation Client Update, which includes, amongst others, a variety of notable regulatory and industry compliance developments in the fields of personal data protection, cybersecurity, digital advertising and content regulations, as well as Internet platform compliance policies. These include the following:

  • Brazil creates a data protection authority, following the approval of its new data protection law
  • The Austrian privacy regulator permits the establishment of a paid subscription model under the GDPR
  • The European Commission adopts an adequacy decision on Japan
  • The French privacy regulator imposes a €50 million fine on Google and publishes guidance on sharing personal data with business partners; 
  • The US health regulator issues cybersecurity guidance for the healthcare sector; and 
  • The State of Massachusetts amends its data breach reporting laws, creating additional requirements.

As always, we encourage you to approach us with any questions.

Click here for the full update.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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