Last April, it was announced in several media that the 63 permissions of Cannabis products granted in 2018 were going to be reviewed. As a result of this review, COFEPRIS conducted verification visits to some places, whose products were covered by those permits.
On July, the authorities assured CANNABIS based products and other substances in some places due the lack of security and quality, for failing the applicable labeling regulation. In addition, activities were suspended on an establishment.
COFEPRIS keeps on monitoring, supervising, verifying, conducting inspections, among others, with the goal to avoid the commercialization of prohibited products that do not comply with the applicable regulation.
In this sense, both individuals and the authority must comply with the applicable regulation. On the part of the authority, before said verifications, inspections, seizure and destruction of objects, products or substances the authority must comply with certain formalities, giving legal certainty to individuals and safeguarding the constitutional rights. In the absence of compliance with these legal requirements or the measures are excessive or defective, it is possible to explore and eventually file legal actions.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.