The GOI announced that it is launching a pilot program to provide cashless treatment to the victims of road accidents caused by the use of motor vehicles.
The pilot program is developed under the aegis of MoRTH and is trialed in Chandigarh first and will have the aim of establishing an ecosystem for providing timely medical care to the victims of road accidents, including during the golden hour.
The GOI announced that the National Health Authority is the implementing agency for the pilot program, in coordination with police, hospitals, State Health Agency etc.
The key features of the pilot program will include:
- road accident victims are entitled to cashless treatment up to a maximum of INR 1,50,000 (Indian Rupees one lakh and fifty thousand) per accident per person for a maximum period of 7 (seven) days from date of accident;
- the scheme is applicable to all road accidents caused by use of motor vehicle on any category of road;
- the packages for trauma and polytrauma cases under the Ayushman Bharat scheme is co-opted; and
- claims raised by hospitals for providing treatment are reimbursed from the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund.
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