6 November 2024

CONVINUS Global Mobility Alert - Week 44.2024



CONVINUS is since 2002 the leading specialist in the field of cross-border employment, international employee assignments, and is the only global mobility provider in Switzerland with a comprehensive range of services. Benefit from our unique combination of professionalism and expert know-how as well as the high level of commitment and involvement for clients.
At a meeting of EU Home Affairs Ministers on October 10, 2024, the Commissioner for Home Affairs of the Commission, Ylva Johansson, announced that the planned start date of November 10, 2024...
Switzerland Immigration

European Union: Postponement of the start date for the Entry/Exit System (EES)

Europäische Union: Verschiebung des Starttermins für das Entry/Exit System (EES)

At a meeting of EU Home Affairs Ministers on October 10, 2024, the Commissioner for Home Affairs of the Commission, Ylva Johansson, announced that the planned start date of November 10, 2024 for the Entry/Exit System (EES) is no longer under discussion.

The Commissioner informed that France, Germany and the Netherlands have stated that they are not yet ready and that the EU could introduce the new system gradually.

However, no new timetable has yet been announced.

The Council adopted the regulation for the EES in November 2017. The EES will electronically register the time and place of entry and exit of third-country nationals (non-EU citizens) and calculate the duration of their authorized stay. It will replace the obligation to stamp the passports of third-country nationals, which applies to all Member States.

In the meantime, the EU is looking at new ways to digitize travel to the Schengen area.

Bei einem Treffen der EU-Innenminister am 10. Oktober 2024 gab die Kommissarin für Inneres der Kommision, Ylva Johansson, bekannt, dass der geplante Starttermin am 10. November 2024 für das Einreise- /Ausreisesystem (EES) nicht mehr zur Debatte steht.

Der Kommissar informierte, dass Frankreich, Deutschland und die Niederlande erklärt haben, dass sie noch nicht bereit sind und dass die EU das neue System schrittweise einführen könnte.

Bislang wurde aber noch kein neuer Zeitplan bekannt gegeben.

Der Rat hat die Verordnung für das EES im November 2017 angenommen. Das EES wird Zeit und Ort der Einund Ausreise von Drittstaatsangehörigen (Nicht-EUBürgern) elektronisch registrieren und die Dauer ihres genehmigten Aufenthalts berechnen. Es wird die Verpflichtung zum Abstempeln der Pässe von Drittstaatsangehörigen ersetzen, die für alle Mitgliedstaaten gilt.

In der Zwischenzeit prüft die EU neue Möglichkeiten zur Digitalisierung des Reiseverkehrs in den SchengenRaum.

Ireland: New Online Immigration Self-service Portal launched

Irland: Neues Online-portal für Immigrationgesuche eröffnet

With effect from October 24, 2024, Ireland has launched a new online self-service portal for immigrants called the "Digital Contact Centre". This portal allows applicants to book and change appointments for initial registration online, removing the need to call a contact center to make appointments. Users can also use the portal to check the status of their immigration applications.

Over time, the system will allow users to ask questions about visas, registrations, domestic residence permits, travel documents, EU treaty rights and citizenship applications. Previously, there was no single digital platform where an applicant could apply, amend and track the status of their application. Instead, applicants had to contact the administrative office dealing with the applications or visit separate websites with visa decisions.

Mit Wirkung vom 24. Oktober 2024 hat Irland ein neues Online-Selbstbedienungsportal für Einwanderer mit dem Namen Digital Contact Centre" eingeführt. Dieses Portal ermöglicht es Antragstellern, Termine für die Erstregistrierung online zu buchen und zu ändern, so dass es nicht mehr notwendig ist, ein Kontaktzentrum anzurufen, um Termine zu vereinbaren. Ausserdem können die Nutzer über das Portal den Status ihrer Einwanderungsanträge überprüfen.

Im Laufe der Zeit wird das System es den Nutzern ermöglichen, Fragen zu Visa, Registrierungen, inländischen Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen, Reisedokumenten, EU-Vertragsrechten und Staatsbürgerschaftsanträgen zu stellen. Bisher gab es keine digitale Plattform, auf der ein Antragsteller seinen Antrag beantragen, ändern und den Status seines Antrags verfolgen konnte. Stattdessen mussten sich die Antragsteller an die mit den Anträgen befasste Verwaltungsstelle wenden oder separate Websites mit Visumsentscheidungen aufrufen.

South Africa: Publication of the guidelines for points for a general work visa and the criteria for a work visa for critical skills

Südafrika: Veröffentlichung der Leitlinien für Punkte für ein allgemeines Arbeitsvisum und der Kriterien für ein Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen

The Home Office has published the allocation of points and criteria for the General Work Visa and Critical Skills Work Visa under the new points-based system for assessing work visa applications.

The new points-based system has reduced the documentation requirements compared to the previous immigration process for these visas. This is expected to result in shorter processing times for the General Work Visa and the Critical Skills Work Visa.

Applicants applying for a Critical Skills Work Visa must score at least 100 points for an occupation listed on the Critical Skills List. Those applying for a general work visa must score at least 100 points according to a point system that takes into account factors such as educational qualifications, salary level, years of experience, language proficiency and employer status.

Das Innenministerium hat die Zuteilung von Punkten und Kriterien für das allgemeine Arbeitsvisum und das Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen im Rahmen des neuen punktebasierten Systems zur Beurteilung von Arbeitsvisumsanträgen veröffentlicht.

Das neue punktebasierte System hat die Anforderungen an die Unterlagen im Vergleich zum früheren Einwanderungsverfahren für diese Visa reduziert. Hierdurch wird mit kürzeren Bearbeitungszeiten für das allgemeine Arbeitsvisum und das Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen gerechnet.

Antragsteller, die ein Critical Skills Work Visa beantragen, müssen mindestens 100 Punkte für einen Beruf erreichen, der auf der Liste der kritischen Fähigkeiten aufgeführt ist. Diejenigen, die ein allgemeines Arbeitsvisum beantragen, müssen mindestens 100 Punkte nach einem Punktesystem erreichen, das Faktoren wie Bildungsabschlüsse, Gehaltsniveau, Jahre der Erfahrung, Sprachkenntnisse und den Status des Arbeitgebers berücksichtigt.

Case study: Family reunification of thirdcountry nationals by EU/EFTA citizens, third-country nationals and Swiss nationals - comparison of the legal and practical bases


Our core business is obtaining work permits for management transfers as well as for other foreign expatriates and other employees who wish to work in Switzerland. However, a good majority of this population comes to Switzerland accompanied by family.

In principle, the immigration of spouses and children is not a challenge, even if the filing deadlines are sometimes very short. When it comes to relatives in the ascending line, i.e. parents, grandparents and parents-in-law, the legal basis is different.

Family reunification of spouses and children - gainful employment of spouses

The reunification of spouses and children is permitted provided that the legal deadlines are met and that suitable accommodation, a joint household and sufficient financial resources are available.

Spouses and children of Swiss nationals and of persons with a settlement permit (C permit) or residence permit (B permit) have a legal right to self-employment or employment without an additional permit procedure in accordance with Art. 46 AIG in connection with Art. 27 VZAE.

In the case of spouses of short-term residents (L permit), the labor market authority can disregard the priority of nationals and the quotas and authorize gainful employment at the employer's request (Art. 30 para. 1 AIG in conjunction with Art. 26 VZAE).

In principle, well-educated spouses of short-term residents have been granted a work permit in almost all cases. However, search efforts must still be made in most cantons.

Family reunification of relatives in the ascending line

Applicant is an EU/EFTA citizen, father is Indian (third-country national)

Mr. Singh has Italian citizenship and has been living in Switzerland for several years with a C permanent residence permit. He would now like his father to move to Switzerland. Based on the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons, Mr. Singh is entitled to family reunification with his Indian father, even if he lives in India as a third-country national. Mr. Singh must simply have an apartment that meets his needs.

The application with the usual documents must be submitted to the responsible Migration Office. In particular, the certificate from the home country regarding the family relationship and the neediness of relatives who are granted maintenance must be proven. This need must have existed prior to the application. The applicant's financial means must also be submitted.

Applicant is a third-country national, mother lives in Pakistan

Ms. Iman, a Pakistani citizen, has been living in Switzerland with a C residence permit for over 20 years and would like her mother, who is around 80 years old, to join her. The mother has no income of her own and is supported by her daughter from Switzerland. As a third-country national, Ms. Iman cannot derive a legal entitlement to the granting of the requested entry permit in favor of her mother based on a treaty or other legal provisions.

In legal terms, her application for family reunification is treated in the context of taking up residence with her daughter without gainful employment. The necessary financial means, the minimum age of 55 and special personal ties to Switzerland are prerequisites for the application to be approved.

These cases are generally rejected due to a lack of connection to Switzerland. Even if all other aspects are met, vacation visits that have been documented by photos since the daughter's stay in Switzerland are not sufficient to confirm a close relationship with Switzerland.

Applicant is Swiss, father comes from the USA

Mr. Snowhite was born in Switzerland and acquired Swiss citizenship through his mother. His father, Mr. Forster, has lived in the USA since the separation; however, contact has always continued. Now Mr. Snowhite wants to have his father with him in Switzerland in the last years of his life.

Swiss citizens can only bring family members to join them if they are resident in an EU or EFTA member state. Exceptions are only permitted in cases of hardship. Under these circumstances, Mr. Forster does not qualify as a case of hardship. This is the case when it comes to humanitarian stays by immigrant workers who have become ill or disabled in Switzerland.

This discrimination against Swiss nationals was to be abolished with the new parliamentary initiative. While the Federal Council approved this initiative, there was still a discrepancy in the Council of States. The draft bill has therefore not yet been finalized. The status of the deliberations is that the draft bill has been referred back to the National Council committee.

You can find more information on the parliamentary initiative at 19.464 | Beseitigung und Verhinderung der Inländerinnen- und Inländerdiskriminierung beim Familiennachzug |

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