On September 17th, 2017, amendments incorporated by Law No.20.949 regarding reduction of weight in case of manual handling of loads, will enter into force. In this regard, please bear in mind the following:
- Safety and mitigation measures for female employees and employees under 18 years: As of 2005, female employees and employees under 18 years are forbidden to manually – and without mechanical help – carry, transport, drag or push, loads over 20 kilograms 44,09 pounds). With this law, employers are forced to implement mitigation and safety measures, such as the rotation of employees executing these functions, the reduction of lift heights and increasing the frequency of the handling, to ensure that employees will carry a lighter weight per time.
- Reduction of weight to be handled by male employees: If manual manipulation is unavoidable and mechanical help cannot be used, male employees may only handle a maximum weight of 25 kilograms (55,11 pounds). Before the amendments of the law, the maximum weight was 50 kilograms (110,23 pounds).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.