1. Key takeaways
Order of a confidentiality regime step-by-step from uploading the document to the decision and any requests for access to the file
The regime reflects the interest – typically arising from the provision in license agreements that the contract may only be produced upon a court order – that the respective licence agreement partner shall be involved into the proceedings and its confidentiality regime prior to any production in the court proceedings. The regime makes an order under Rule 190 RoP unnecessary for the time being.
Typically, there is a recognisable need for confidentiality of business-related information contained in licence agreements.
If an order under Rule 190 RoP is not appropriate for the time being, any documents to be produced can be submitted by means of Rule 9 RoP in conjunction with Rules 262/262A RoP.
2. Division
Local Division Mannheim
3. UPC number
4. Parties
Panasonic Holdings Corporation
5. Patent(s)
EP 2 568 724
6. Body of legislation / Rules
Rule 9 RoP, Rules 190/191 RoP, Rules 262/262A RoP
7. Cited orders
LD Düsseldorf, February 14, 2024, Order No. 8075/2024, App_7937/2024 regarding ACT_590953/2023 = UPC_CFI_463/2023
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.