Council of Ministers increases the number of potential holders of Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa up to 500 in March 2022.
Due to the rapid pace of the digital transformation and promotion of Cyprus' image as a business European «heart», the Council of Ministers offers the opportunity to nationals from non-EU and non-EEA countries to work remotely while residing temporarily in Cyprus. In the list of main benefits of Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa are the possibility of staying in Cyprus up to 2 years, the ability to live together with family members, which is very topical for the young freelancers and entrepreneurs, and lastly becoming a tax-resident in the Republic of Cyprus.
However, to apply for a Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa the potential holder must be able to work remotely, be self-employed or employed in a company registered abroad and provide proof of an at least €3500 stable income. Applications can be submitted personally or through an authorized representative; all supporting documentation should be officially translated and duly certified.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.