Foreign Trade Statistics: January - November 2022

KPMG in Cyprus


KPMG has been operating in Cyprus since 1948 and currently employs more than 800 professionals working from 6 offices across the island. It is a member of KPMG International Limited, a global organisation of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG operates in 143 countries and territories and has approximately 273,000 people working in member firms around the world. Clients look to KPMG for a consistent standard of service based on high-order professional capabilities, industry insight, local knowledge and expertise.
Total imports of goods in January-November 2022 amounted to €10.403,2 mn as compared to €7.928,1 mn in January- November 2021, recording an increase of 31,2%.
Cyprus International Law
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Total imports of goods in January-November 2022 amounted to €10.403,2 mn as compared to €7.928,1 mn in January- November 2021, recording an increase of 31,2%. Total exports of goods in January-November 2022 were €3.587,1 mn compared to €3.022,0 mn in the same period of 2021, registering an increase of 18,7%. The trade deficit was €6.816,1 mn in January- November 2022 compared to €4.906,1 mn in the corresponding period of 2021.

The European Union was the main source of supply of goods to Cyprus with a share of €6.275,8 mn of total imports, while imports from all other European countries totaled €966,8 mn in January- November 2022. Imports from the rest of the world amounted to €3.160,6 mn.

Exports to the European Union accounted for €1.000,1 mn, while exports to all other European countries for €358,1 mn in January- November 2022. Exports to the rest of the world amounted to €2.228,9 mn.

Detailed data by commodity, partner country, value and quantity are included in the monthly electronic publication "Intra & Extra EU Trade Statistics (by commodity and country)" for January-November 2022, which is available free of charge on the CYSTAT portal.


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