Drug crimes in the UAE are ever-increasing. The sensitivity of drug abuse cases and their potential in causing permanent damages to an individual and their families has prompted the UAE to introduce significant changes to its laws governing illegal drugs and substances.
Dr. Hassan Elhais, a highly experienced legal consultant in Criminal and Family Laws in the UAE, details the biggest changes in the country's drug laws during the podcast with Georgia Tolley (Dubai Eye).
The Most Notable Changes are as Follows:
- Previously convicted offenders who have been deported from the UAE may now file an appeal to be able to re-enter and live in the country again.
- First-time offenders are given more leniency and are more likely to be sent for rehabilitation (following the court's discretion) rather than face criminal charges.
- However, repeat offenders, drug traffickers, and dealers still face severe penalties (which may include longer jail terms, fines, deportation, and death sentence).
Other Important Points to Know:
- First-time offenders who have been caught in the airport possessing illegal drugs (including food items) will be invited for investigation but will not incur a criminal record in the UAE.
- First-time offenders who are in the UAE and caught while possessing illegal drugs (including food items) will be investigated (but not deported) and will incur a criminal record in the UAE.
- The revised drug laws benefit tourists or individuals who may be unaware of the UAE's drug laws.
- The maximum period of rehabilitation for offenders shall not exceed 1 year.
Originally published 21 Mar 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.