Bentley Attorneys

Bentley Attorneys is a specialist credit law and debt recovery law firm, starting as Bentley Warne Attorneys in April 1994 and then in September 1998 became Bentley Attorneys. Bentley Attorneys has over the years developed a strong mix of commercial clients, from small businesses to the largest private company in the country, J.S.E. listed clients and banks. We service commercial clients who are not looking for a general law practice where debt recovery matters take a back seat and who also require attorneys with an in depth knowledge of the relevant legal areas of law with developments such as the National Credit Act, the Companies Act and Consumer Protection Act. Our approach to law is innovative and proactive.
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South Africa
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+27 10 110 7173
Photo of Brett Bentley
Photo of Hawa Bibi Osman
Photo of Neville Naidoo
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